Cookie policy

The Cookie Policy is located at the web address: The company reserves the right to amend or supplement the Cookie Policy without prior consultation or approval from the data subject. So, it is advisable to check the Cookie Policy from time to time to stay informed of the way of using the cookies on this web page. Also, in case of changes of the Cookie Policy, cookies banner reappears as to enable the data subject to select the cookies taking into consideration the information from the amended and supplemented Cookie Policy.
What are cookies?
The cookies are small text files that are stored on the device of the user - the visitor to the website (data subject). Cookies are kept in the memory of your Internet browser and are designed to allow the website to recognize the user, which is especially useful for repeated visits to the website, when they enable prior user's preferences, but they can also enable the user to be recognized when visiting another website.
Cookies perform many different tasks that make your online experience easier and more interactive. They can be used, for example, to remember settings on websites you visit frequently, they can store user identity, shopping cart contents, etc. Therefore, they help you navigate between web pages more efficiently. They also help ensure that the ads you see online are more relevant to you and tailored to your interests. Some of the information collected is designed to detect browsing patterns and approximate geographic location and to improve user experience.
How do we use cookies and similar online tools?
We use different types of cookies, namely:
1. The first category are mandatory cookies, which the website uses to ensure the operation of basic functionalities, such as navigation on the website, access to protected parts of the website and similar. Without cookies from this group, the website does not work properly. As the operator of the website, we have access and can read these cookies. They can remember, for example, whether you have already confirmed or rejected the cookie policy. We do not need your consent to use these cookies, but collect cookies based on our legitimate interest. These are primarily cookies that participate in authentication and technical cookies that are necessary for the operation and use of some related IT systems. Authentication cookies are saved when you log in to the website and stored on our authentication server.
2. The second category is the so-called analitical cookies, which are used to provide information about visitors' interaction with the website. This type of cookie is collected anonymously. We use these cookies exclusively for our own research on how we can improve the service we offer to our website users. These cookies simply evaluate how you interact with our website as an anonymous user (the data collected does not reveal your identity). Data collected from anonymous cookies is not shared with third parties or used for any other purpose. We may share anonymized data with contractors who perform individual tasks for us based on a relevant contract. We need your consent to use these cookies.
3. The third category are marketing cookies, which are used to track the activities of visitors on websites and to display advertising messages that are relevant and attractive to individual users based on their interests, and to evaluate the effectiveness of website content. We need your consent to use these cookies.
4. The fourth category of cookies are social media cookies that are used to connect a website to a third-party social media platform. They remember a user’s details after the user signs in to a social media account from a website. Many social media cookies are set through plugins, widgets, and sharing buttons. We need your consent to use these cookies.
At the same time, we inform you that individual cookies are provided by external providers, among other for the purpose of displaying the content of external providers (in particular, various social networks and websites for streaming video content, e.g. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter). To view content from third-party providers, you must also accept their terms of use, which includes their privacy policy and cookie policy, over which we have no control. Individual external providers are seated or provide services relevant to the protection of personal data in a third country that does not offer the same level of data protection as in EU countries.
The set of individual categories of cookies that we use on the website can be seen from the tables below.
Mandatory cookies
Name Service Purpose Duration
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE YouTube To provide bandwidth estimations 6 months
didomi_token Didomi To store cookie settings 1 year
euconsent-v2 Didomi To store cookie settings 1 year
__cf_bm CloudFlare To read and filter requests from bots 30 minutes
Analitical cookies
Name Service Purpose Duration
_ga Google Analytics To store and count pageviews. 2 years
_ga_Q8QQ314YGF Google Analytics To store and count pageviews. 13 months
LOGIN_INFO Google This cookie is used to play YouTube videos embedded on the website. 13 months
SIDCC Google Maps To provide the identification of trusted web traffic 1 year
_gid Google Analytics To store and count pageviews. 1 day
Marketing cookies
Name Service Purpose Duration
__Secure-3PAPISID Builds a profile of website visitor interests to show relevant and personalized ads through retargeting. 13 months
__Secure-3PSID Builds a profile of website visitor interests to show relevant and personalized ads through retargeting. 13 months
__Secure-3PSIDCC Builds a profile of website visitor interests to show relevant and personalized ads through retargeting. 1 year
__Secure-1PSIDCC Cookie required to use website options and services 1 year
YSC YouTube To store and track interaction session
How to control cookies and their use
When you access to our web page, you will automatically be enabled to manage and select the cookies through cookie banner. If you do not want to accept all the cookies collected based on the consent, the cookie banner will enable you to select only some of them or to reject all (except for mandatory cookies).
You will also be able to change the previous selection of the cookies (except for mandatory cookies) in the cookie settings located at the bottom of the website or here: Consent choices. In case of such later change of the selected cookies, we will still be able to use the data collected from the cookies before they were disabled, but we will stop collecting additional data based on the disabled cookies.
If you want to change the way your browser uses cookies, including blocking or deleting cookies from any website, you can do so by changing the settings of the browser you use. By using the option “Help” on your internet browser you may find the instructions for change of cookie settings.